on May 17, 2022 162 views
Kung Fu has stood the test of time to become one of most enduring fighting styles in the world. It can be placed as far back as the 5th Century and has many different practices, most of which are based upon animal stances such as a tiger, snake, monkey and praying mantis. In a controlled fight there’s no doubt that Kung Fu is as brutal as it is beautiful to watch but how does this translate onto the street? With no referee, makeshift weapons everywhere and a sidewalk or road for a surface, can Kung Fu be effective, or is it a matter of style over substance.
Narrator: Tysmithvoice
Researcher/Writer: Mathewthewrtiter
Video Editor: Lance
Music: https://artlist.io
Stock Media Footage: https://motionarray.com/browse/stock-video
More Stock footage: https://elements.envato.com
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This channel is dedicated to all different types of Martial Arts. We make anything from Traditional Japanese martial arts to boxing.
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