on May 12, 2024 39 views
A documentary of how and why The Malus Masquerade began. "As the red Queen hunts, through the looking glass, I Look at me; I'm a behind-the-scenes type of player; Session, studio, producer, a writer director, angel investor and entrepreneur. Maybe I would play in the band where I could wear a mask. It would be a end of the world type of industrial steampunk evolution.
What you don't realize when you start a business or brand, is that your going to have competition and a lot of times it will be unfair competition. With the change of Technology digital media venues like YouTube, give every person the ability to express themselves, produced themselves and publish their own videos. Even if it’s just a hobby. It also gives them the ability to commit trademark infringement, if they choose too to be a rip off artist.
I am dealing with several legal issues from day one the clothing company. As of now I have a teenage entertainer on youtube a cigar company several beverages not to mention bicycle’s and several others fair or unfair. The Alice in Wonderland franchise come into my life through a relationship in which my alter ego was created. At first it was my company and somewhere along the adventure it became me.
I have a great passion for the game of chess, therefore it’s the Black Knight versus the Red Queen. In the game of chess, like life, there is a beginning a middle and an end game. In a costume play fun channel starring my friends. Somewhere between a carnival a costume party and theAlice in wonderland franchise, The Malus masquerade. With the digital era and the change of Technology, there are opportunities such as YouTube, which I didn't have as a younger child, teenager or young adult. I consider that unfair competition because I have a story to tell and an adventure to pursue. So here I am and there she is searching. The red Queen hunts in the woods." Spoken word by Kelly Green.
#Wolfdog #Fang
Categories: Pets & Animals
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