Being a referee in a boxing ring is not as easy as it looks. It's not just about getting a good look at what's going on within the match, but also keeping a safe distance from the fighters. The refs have to deal with large, scary and sometimes aggressive fighters, who don’t like being told they are the loser. But it’s not always about aggression, sometimes it’s more confusion. It’s a tough and dangerous job. In this video we are going to take a look at a few clips of referees getting punched in the world of fighting.Narrator: TysmithvoiceResearcher/Writer: MartinptalbotVideo Editor: MarkMusic: https://artlist.ioStock Media Footage: Stock footage: https://elements.envato.comSupport the channel with links below!Twitter: to Brutal TV for more videos.Channel Description:This channel is dedicated to all different types of Martial Arts. We make anything from Traditional Japanese martial arts to boxing. I hope you enjoy the video. Please leave a like so we can continue to create more videos.#Karma #Cocky #Funny #Laugh #Top5
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